Saturday, 27 February 2016

Refer a Friend Plugin

Refer a friend plugin for osclass allows osclass user to invite their friends to join the website and makes them earn points on each referrer once the referred friends or a person joins the website. After collecting certain points as set by admin in settings, user will be able to post free premium ad using his points.

This Refer a Friend Plugin for osclass will help beginners of the classifieds site to promote their website easily. Admin can set limit of points needed to post a premium ad. Let your user advertise and share your website for you with the help of Refer a Friend Plugin for osclass.

Refer a Friend Plugin Features:

1) Users earn points once the Referrer registers on the website by using their invitation.

2) After Collecting certain points user will be able to post free premium Ad.

3) Admin can set Number of days to expire free premium ad posted by using referral points.

4) User also has option to invite multiple friends at once.

5) User can view his referred friends emails in his dashboard.

6) User can view list of successful registered users through his referral.

7) User has option to send email to referral or he can use Unique plugin generated URL for referrer to use for joining or registering on website.

8) User can share these Unique URL in social networks like facebook, twitter, G+ etc and can earn points if people register using his Unique URL.

9) User will only get points after successful email validation of a user.

10) An Email will send to the friend for inviting a him to join.

11) User will receive an email Alert if he earn any points from there referrer.

Refer a Friend Plugin

Sunday, 7 February 2016

How to install Osclass Facebook Auto Post Plugin

To Download  Plugin Visit :  DownloadClick Here

First you need to create app on facebook

1. Login to your Facebook account.

2. Go to the Developers page:

3. Click “Apps -> Create a New App” menu item.

The new wizard is actually much more complicated to setup to what we need, so click “Advanced Setup”.

Fill “App Name”, leave “App Namespace” empty, select any category. agree to policies and click “Create App”, fill captcha, click “Submit”.

– Notice App ID and App Secret (Click “Show”, enter your password) on newly created app page

4. Click “Settings” on the left, fill “Contact email” field, then click “Add Platform”.

5. Select “Website” in the list.

Enter your website URL to the “Site URL” field. Enter your domain to the App Domains. Domain should be the same domain from URL that you have entered to the “Site URL”.

6. Now you need to submit your app for facebook review. Follow this link for facebook review guide :

For review Please select these three permissions: ‘publish_actions’,’manage_pages’,’publish_pages’

After approval your App is ready to use.

7. Copy App ID and App Secret to above form.

And press save changes.

8. After saving changes Get access token by clicking on Log in.


While getting the access token. Facebook will show a warning for submiting the app for facebook review. submit your facebook app for facebook review by clicking on Submit for review now link in warning message.

when faceboock app review completes you will not see the warning message again.

9. Select the well form drop down list.

Note :

The wall drop down list contain list of all page that user has admin rights .

10. In message text format enter

listing item_title is published on site_title

And press save changes.

11. you are ready to go so now when any new ad is posted or any ad is edited it will auto publish to the Facebook url set by you in settings.

How to install Osclass Facebook Auto Post Plugin

Monday, 1 February 2016

Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin

Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin Help

Welcome to the new help page of the Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin.

General Questions regarding XML Sitemaps

What is a Sitemap?

Basically, a Sitemap is a file which contains URLs and some additional information for all public pages or documents of your website. Google and other search engines can read this file and add the defined pages to their index.

How can I create Sitemap for my Osclass website?

That is the major function of the Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin. It is easy to install and will generate a sitemap containing all your Osclass website content.

Will Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin affect my ranking?

There are no evidences that Generating a Sitemap will directly affect your ranking. However, it can help Google to index and crawl your page better which may result in a more complete index of your page.

Questions regarding the installation

How do I install the plugin?

Just install it like any other Osclass plugin. The easiest way is via the “Add plugin” function in Osclass. You don’t need to change anything in your webserver configuration, file permissions or upload any other files.

Do I need to change any settings?

The default settings are fine for most Osclass websites. Feel free to change the priorities, change frequencies or what you want to include in your sitemap.

Settings explained

Update notification

  • Notify Google about updates of your website: This will ping Google every time you publish a new content or edit an old one. Google will fetch your sitemap afterwards and probably index your new content soon.

  • Notify Bing about updates of your website: This will ping Bing every time you publish a new content or edit an old one. Bing will fetch your sitemap afterwards and probably index your new content soon. Since the Yahoo Search is powered by Bing, your content should also appear in Yahoo soon.

  • Add sitemap URL to the virtual robots.txt file: If activated, the plugin will add the URL of your sitemap to your robots.txt file. This allows search engines, which don’t support the ping notification like Baidu or Yandex, to find your sitemap.

Additional pages

  • Here you can specify files or URLs which should be included in the sitemap, but do not belong to your Osclass website. For example, if your domain is and your blog is located on you might want to include your homepage at

    Note: If your blog is in a subdirectory and you want to add pages which are NOT in the blog directory or beneath, you MUST place your sitemap file in the root directory.

Post priority

  • Do not use automatic priority calculation: All posts will have the same priority in your sitemap. It can be defined under “Priorities”

Sitemap content

  • Osclass standard content: Check the items you want to include in your sitemap.

Change frequencies / priorities

  • Change frequencies: With this settings you can give search engines a hint, how many times the content of your blog changes. Note that it is up to the search engine how many times older content is rechecked again.

  • Priorities: With this settings you can give search engines a hint, how important the content of your blog is. This value is always in relation to all other content of your blog, so setting everything to highest (=1.0) doesn’t make any sense.
Click Here To View Plugin =  Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin

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Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin

Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin

Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin

This osclass sitemap generator plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your Osclass website. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of osclass generated pages as well as custom URLs. This sitemap format is supported by, Google, YAHOO and MSN Search. Additionally this Osclass Sitemap Plugin notifies all major search engines every time you post new content. Osclass sitemap generator plugin will do exactly what it’s supposed to do – providing a complete XML sitemap for search engines. It will not break your site, slow it down or annoy you. Guaranteed!

Osclass Sitemap Plugin Features:

  • Support for all osclass website content, including categories, pages, locations. latest ads, …

  • No PHP skills or file changes needed

  • User interface to customize all parameters like priorities, frequencies etc.

  • Generates XML sitemap (with a stylesheet for making it readable)

  • Notifies Google, Bing and YAHOO about changes via ping

  • 100% Multi-site compatible.

  • …and much more!
How to install Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin:

  1. Install the plugin like you always install plugins from admin section of the website.

  2. Activate the plugin at the plugin administration page.

  3. If you want: Open the plugin configuration page, which is located under plugins-> RD-Sitemap ->Settings and customize settings like priorities and change frequencies according to your own need.

  4. The plugin will automatically update your sitemap of published listings, post, pages etc so there is nothing more to do :-)

Click Here To View =  Osclass Sitemap Generator Plugin